Sunday, July 27, 2014

The dangers of Hollywood (Hellywood)

Hollywood, known as the home of the entertainment industry. 

What kind of entertainment are we talking about here?  Is it godly entertainment? Does it uplift us to want to learn more about God? What does it do to us as people who are focusing on being more like Jesus?

This are some of the question you and I need to ask ourselves every time we go to the movies or every time we pick up a movie to watch. I have to confess that I've never been to a movie theater in my life. Before I was a strong believer, I used to say that, "One day I will go to the movie theater." I would always say this because many people around me would always speak of the new movie they watched, and I would just say that I'm going to wait until it's available online or on DVD. But at most times I would forget about it because after a few weeks they would be talking about ANOTHER new movie. And it was a constant routine for me then. But by the grace of God, I've recently learned the dangers and satanic roots of Hollywood. I've learned that it's not there to uplift God, but to mock Him. We invite Satan into our homes without realizing it. 

Even parents wonder why their kids act the way they do, when in all honesty they are the ones causing them to act that way. Even the television or the many gadgets we have available today are used as babysitters. I've seen parents hush their children by giving them their phone or switching on the television. How sad it is to see how parents train their children. Parents, train your own children instead of letting the television or gadgets do that. Because they were given unto to you by God, for you to train them in a God-like manner. You have to give your children back to the Lord, because that's to whom they belong to. And today's children television programs are not doing that, they are doing the opposite. In contrary they are preparing your children to be in this world and be like the world, instead of being in this world and not being like this world. 

Best selling author Leslie ludy says: 

I cannot even count the number of young women I have met who’s favorite movie was the 2004 “chick flick” The Notebook. The movie portrays a beautiful romance; showcasing a sweet older couple at the end of their lives who are still passionately in love. It paints a vivid picture of the lifelong love story that we all desire, and shows us a man who is so devoted to the love of his life that he stays by her side, tenderly cherishing her, even when she is struck with Alzheimer’s and can’t remember who he is. What girl wouldn’t get teary-eyed at such a display? And yet, as the movie flashes back to this couple’s younger days, it implies that this kind of beautiful, lifelong love story can be discovered through shallow, sensual attraction, animalistic pre-marital sex, rebellion against parents, breaking of promises, and betrayal of trust.
Not only are the sex scenes in this movie lengthy and graphic, they portray a patently false and dangerous message. There is no way to discover Christ-like, lasting love without following Christ’s pattern. Build a relationship the way that couple did, and I guarantee you are going to end up with heartache, bitterness, and misery, not the “happily ever after” ending you see in the movie. But The Notebook makes sin seem so right, so good, and so noble. When sin is so beautifully and artistically portrayed, it is easy to allow Hollywood movie makers to subtly shape our thinking, even on a subconscious level. Look at how well their love story turned out, we start reasoning, and they had sex before marriageIt was so sweet and beautiful; I can’t imagine that it was wrong. They were just following their hearts! Maybe I should not be so uptight about this whole purity thing after all.
One young woman I talked to, after seeing a handful of movies that portrayed affairs as beautiful and right (rather than selfish and sinful) became convinced that it was okay for people to leave their marriage partner for someone else if they found their “soul mate.”
I cannot help but wonder why we as Christ-professing young women are so willing to submit our minds and emotions to an industry that openly mocks the purity and righteousness of our Heavenly Prince. Most of us are far more influenced by pop culture than we are by the Word of God. We can quote our favorite lines from 100 different chick flicks, but the only Scripture we know is John 3:16.
It is time that we allow the Word of God, not the glamorized lies of Hollywood to become the cornerstone of our convictions, thoughts, and attitudes. It is time we trade the emptiness of pop culture entertainment for the real-life adventure of a Christ-built existence. Only then will truth reign and rule in our lives. Only then will our lives make an eternal impact for His glory.*  CREDIT!!

It truly saddens me to see many people professing to be Christians, but at the same time they are viewing this movies that don't even uplift God. Just because the movies seem innocent, which they aren't, does not mean they are godly. You are either for Him or you're not. No one can serve two masters!

A lovely quote by Stacy McDonald from "Raising maidens of virtue." 

"A wise maiden pays no attention to the fleeing whims of professional markets and Hollywood. Instead, she continually meditates on the timeless truths of scripture." 

Not to say that all movies are bad and that we shouldn't watch any movies at all. But some good movies I've watched are : Fireproof, Courageous, Ruth, and Biblical stories that are actually accurate to the Bible. My motto is to watch what uplifts! 

And as for television, I rarely watch it except for when they have sermons or Christian worship music. Other than that, I see television as useless.


I didn't write this post to tell you what and what not to do, but I wrote it so that you can look into your life and make decisions based on how God leads you. 

Some helpful videos and audios:

 (I have not watched this one yet... so I don't know much about it.)


I hope this has blessed and helped you all, I don't know if this post is all over the place but if it is, just watch some of the videos or listen to the audios. God bless! 

Your sister in Christ, 


  1. I agree with a lot of this post! We stopped watching television all together around 8 years ago and only watch some movies. Love the Sherwood films! Thanks for sharing! I awarded your blog, btw! Have fun!

    1. I as well am trying to stop watching the television as much. And thank you so much for awarding this blog Ashley, God bless.

  2. I found your blog!! :)

    I was going through my blog followers/members and you are one of them! I wanted to make sure you knew I changed my blog name from to I hope you are having a great week!
